In order to achieve energy conservation and operating efficiency improvement of air-conditioners/refrigerators, periodic cleaning and maintenance inside equipment are essential.
The adhesion of contaminants will cause corrosion of equipment, leading to life shortening.
However, there might be reluctant companies saying, “It would be costly...,” while knowing that.
What is recommended for such companies is our ball type automatic heat exchanger cleaning system “XAC.”
“XAC,” by which the inside of heat exchangers can be constantly kept clean by automating tube cleaning, will lead to significant energy conservation and running cost reductions over the long run.
In small-scale factories, it does not often become a major issue because machinery and equipment, including turbo refrigerators, absorption type refrigerators, and absorption type water coolers/heaters are small and not much fuel is used.
However, the larger the scale of factories and machines, the greater the running costs, including electricity, rise if the operating efficiency lowers with the adhesion of scale and other contaminants.
The contaminants of heat exchangers are in proportion to the fuel consumption, and the efficiency lowers as contaminants accumulate.
From the graph on the right, indicating a relationship between the two, it can be seen that the efficiency lowers to 76% with the adhesion of contaminants only 0.6mm in thickness.
If the inside of equipment is automatically cleaned on a day-to-day basis, the adhesion of contaminants can be prevented, so that rising energy consumption can be held down.
Also, since costs and resources for cleaning become unnecessary, it can be said to be highly advantageous on a long-term basis.

If operation is continued with the adhesion of contaminants, not only electricity and other fuel costs rise but also the amounts of makeup water and water treatment chemicals consumed increase. Since this amount of water can also be reduced by installing automatic cleaning, more significant cost reductions can be realized.
Ball type automatic heat exchanger cleaning system “XAC” can be installed in various facilities.
The larger the scale of factories and facilities, the more easily they are influenced by rising fuel consumption and periodic cleaning costs with the adhesion of contaminants, while the more advantageous the installation becomes in terms of cost accordingly.
Please be sure to consult Frontier Technology.
- Facilities allowing installation
- Manufacturing and processing factories
- Commercial facilities
- Cold storage warehouses
- Chemical plants, etc.